
Archive for May, 2016

Time flies when you are having fun … and lots of surgeries.

We adopted the little guy when he was only 20 months old. His lip had been repaired but his palate had not. Yes, our Chinese Charmer.

He has now lived 80% of his life with us. And we are thankful.

It is hard to believe he once suffered from failure to thrive syndrome because he is SO ALIVE. Most of the time Eli is non-stop action, and noise. A constant torrent of noise (which can be hard on his aging father). He’s also a creative kid.

There are times he is quiet- when he’s asleep and when he is reading. He does enjoy reading. He like graphic novels and his Action Bible (a graphic novel version written by a guy Amie knows from Word of Life).

He also love comic/action heroes. He’s got some comic books, and a friend of our gave us a boatload of action figures. Any time I pass a Marvel movie on FX he wants me to stop. And I have to think about whether it is appropriate for him.

And then there is Star Wars. Loves Star Wars like any little boy would and should. He keeps wanting to bring his birthday gift of The Force Awakens up to his room even though there is no DVD player up there.

As we prayed on his birthday, we prayed for a year without surgery. Last year he had two. He currently has some head gear. We’ve got two world renowned cleft specialists talking about the next few steps in the process. It would be great for him to have a bit of a break.

We are thankful to have Eli as part of our family- even though he won’t go to bed quietly, and he won’t stop moving. We can’t imagine life without our little guy.


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